Monday, December 6, 2010

It All Begins Here...

Well good morning, good evening and good afternoon,
Life begins here and there's more to come soon.
Its been awhile my previous blog closed down,
But hey! Don't worry it starts here so don't frown.

My life's been up and down with downs to start,
I've made up my mind to set things apart.
There's be ups and downs and spices in between,
So hello bloggers, how have you been?

Posts of randomness will be the theme,
Being emo will not be part of my scheme.
Feel free to browse and comment as you please,
Drop an advise, don't fret, just be at ease.

My blog is still in its building progress,
So please be patient, its still in a mess.
Updates will be weekly and fruitful I hope,
Some posts may be boring so don't think i'm dope.

I'll say my goodbye for now, the time is late,
Be back for more soon, so don't close that gate.
Wish you all well and days be happy,
Hakuna-mattata~ live life with no worries.
